Friday Finds & Check-ins Volume #710

Friday Finds & Check-ins, Volume #710

Share your recent beauty purchases or rediscovered favorites in your stash (for those on low/no-buys!), chit chat about weekend plans, and learn a little more about each other!

Let's Chat!

Share your own answers in the comments!

Recent Purchases/Rediscoveries: Moira cream eyeshadows

Weekend plans: I have some photos/swatches to do tomorrow, and then edit said photos! I also plan on doing a good bit of review-writing.

What pet would you love to have but can’t/won’t? Chameleons. They are so cool, but the amount of care they need is so, so high, and a lot of the care they need… not my strongest suits!

Psst… since it’s Friday and we’re heading into the weekend, if you have some downtime, consider playing one of the games hubby and I have created! 🙂 You’ll find all of our games on Awordy, but here’s a breakdown of what we have so far:

  • Adoptle (guess the name of an adoptable pet in six guesses)
  • Concludle (figure out the subject within six clues)
  • Mislettered (guess one letter at a time to figure out the phrase/quote)
  • Word Frenzy (find as many words from the letters available before the shark devours them)

This week's doggo photo/video...

Share your pet photos to the Temptalia Pets flickr group!

Friday Finds & Check-ins, Volume #710

Friday Finds & Check-ins, Volume #710

Friday Finds & Check-ins, Volume #710

Friday Finds & Check-ins, Volume #710

from Temptalia

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