Friday Finds & Check-ins, Volume #673

Share your recent beauty purchases or rediscovered favorites in your stash (for those on low/no-buys!), chit chat about weekend plans, and learn a little more about each other!

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Recent Purchases/Rediscoveries: The LA Girl and Maybelline eyeliners arrived earlier this week! I’m expecting my Pat McGrath holiday palette today.

Weekend plans: Not too much! I’m volunteering in the morning at a local animal rescue to see some pups off before they become adoptable. My in-laws will be over on Sunday to celebrate my birthday (earlier this week).

What’s your best way to motivate yourself to do a task you don’t want to do? I usually complain about it to someone and then feel bad for complaining, so then I’ll do it because it’s so “first world” of a complaint.

P.S. — Want to chat with readers on the regular? Check out Temptalia’s Discord where you can chat about beauty, makeup, and more! 🙂

P.P.S. — I worked with hubby to develop our own games! You can check out the games we have at Awordy, which include Concludle (trivia) and Adoptle (figure out the name of an adoptable pet in six guesses), and Mislettered (figure out the quote by guessing letters).

This week's doggo photo/video...

Share your pet photos to the Temptalia Pets flickr group!

from Temptalia

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