Sun Protection || Skin Care

Sun Protection

In the popular light of environmental issues and controversies, what it contributed to the marketing endeavors is the additional opportunity for market. Sun protection clothing became severely inadequate; sun protection products are required. Topical solutions, balms, and lotions carrying the sun protection factor (SPF) became the most important aspect when engaging in the outdoors.

But Is Additional Sun Protection Really Essential?

It may not be the most welcoming feature to be introduced next to liposuction, but it is important, at least the SPF (and all that it entails) is. Arguments about the feasibility of the global warming trend may have descended to just being moot point but still there is no denying that people need protection from the sun. There may the interesting facts and plausible theories that could determine global warming as complete joke but the danger s of the sun aren’t made less real. Sun exposure can and still would cause acute and chronic injury to the skin, if the skin has taken massive amounts of radiation due to overexposure. And take note that the deadliest effect of the sun isn’t readily discernible, the UVB burning doesn’t manifest into sunburns or those lovely tans, they manifest as skin cancers. In short, overexposure to sunlight can cause skin cancer.

A sunlight’s spectrum is divided into three broad bands, the UV – A, the UV- B and the UV – C. Being the shortest and the weakest in the spectrum band, the UV – C is filtered out by the atmosphere or the ozone layer. The UV – A is the longest and therefore the most predominant radiation to reach the earth’s surface. UV – A can be highly beneficial to life, as it helps the body metabolize its own vitamin D, help the plants synthesize their food…etc, etc. The shorter UV –B band to reach the earth surface, is a major cause for skin cancer. However, due to the shorter wavelength, most of the UV – B spectrum is filtered out. The few that get through are too minimal to effect an immediate skin disease. However, on longer skin baking such as when you go sunbathing in hopes to improving your skin color, the UV – B will have more time in causing metabolic reactions to your body, causing skin cancer.

Sun protection, in the form of sun block lotions protect the skin primarily from UV –A, which causes sunburn damage. However, it isn’t predisposed in blocking the moiré harmful effects of the UV – B.

Sunscreens That Protect

Modern sunscreen formulations are designed to block a degree of both UV – A and UV – B radiations. There is the physical sunscreen, which are thick and solidly colored substances, and they filer both radiation spectrum well. These sunscreens are messy and thick substances that may look unappealing to several bathers. However, on breach sports where looks may be disregarded for activity, physical sunscreens could be used.

The next alternatives for sun protection lotions are the chemical sunscreens. These are available in a wider array of formulation. Once sunscreen lotions containing PABA is widely used, but due to recent findings that the substance is a cancer agent in itself, manufacturers shifted to other ingredients. Currently, sunscreen solutions are using safer and more efficient alternative, such as octyl dimethyl PABA.

But to some extent, skin tanning died. Now people are more contented with the skin color they’re born with. Others find a way to a more fruitful and safer regimen. Yet others choose the most hassle free, using bronzers. And in actual truth, bronzers since then had never experience such massive popularity. Seen as borderline cheating in tanning, bronzers are now so rampant that wearing them is fast becoming no cause for embarrassment.


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